Missouri |
Total population (all) |
Population 65+ |
Percent population 65+ |
Female population 65+ |
Percent female population 65+ |
Male population 65+ |
Percent male population 65+ |
Population 85+ |
Percent population 85+ |
Female population 85+ |
Percent female population 85+ |
Male population 85+ |
Percent male population 85+ |
Noninstitutionalized population 65+ |
Percent noninstitutionalized population 65+ |
Population living in families 65+ |
Percent population living in families 65+ |
Female householder, no husband present 65+ |
Percent female householder, no husband present 65+ |
Total occupied housing units |
Percent total occupied housing units |
Total occupied housing units 65+ |
Percent total occupied housing units 65+ |
Owner-occupied housing units |
Percent owner-occupied housing units |
Owner-occupied housing units 65+ |
Percent owner-occupied housing units 65+ |
Median household income 65+ |
Average household income 65+ |
Median value owner-occupied housing unit |
Persons for whom poverty status is defined 65+ |
Persons below poverty level 65+ |
Percent persons below poverty level 65+ |
Total number of Missouri income tax returns |
Number of Missouri income tax returns with "yourself" checked for "age 65 or older" |
Number of Missouri income tax returns with filing status "single" |
Number of Missouri income tax returns with filing status "single" and "yourself" checked for "age 65 or older" |
Filing jointly, 65+ |
Percent filing Missouri joint income tax returns, 65+ |
SSI payments as percent of total personal income |
Crude estimate of personal net worth, per capita |
No high school diploma 65+ |
Percent no high school diploma 65+ |
High school graduate or GED 65+ |
Percent high school graduate or GED 65+ |
Some college, no degree, 65+ |
Percent some college, no degree, 65+ |
College graduate, 65+ |
Percent college graduate, 65+ |
Percent persons who were smokers in past 12 months, 65+ |
Percent persons having no exercise in past month, 65+ |
Percent persons overweight (body mass index 25-30), 65+ |
Percent persons with obesity (body mass index >30), 65+ |
Percent persons with high blood pressure, 65+ |
Percent persons with high cholesterol, 65+ |
Percent persons with diabetes, 65+ |
Percent persons having no flu shot in past year, 65+ |
Percent persons having no mammography in past year, 65+ |
Percent persons having no sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy in past decade, 65+ |
Persons in workforce, 65+ |
Percent of seniors working for pay, 65+ |
Average monthly earnings, 65+ |
Economic impact index |
Persons with Missouri driver's license, 65+ |
Percent persons with Missouri driver's license, 65+ |
Hospitalizations & ER visits for diabetes, per 10,000 seniors (rate) |
Hospitalizations & ER visits for heart disease |
Hospitalizations & ER visits for heart disease, per 10,000 seniors (rate) |
Full-time primary-care physicians |
Full-time primary-care physicians, per 1,000 seniors |
Medicaid paid claims for in-home care services, 65+ |
Medicaid paid claims for nursing facility services, 65+ |
Medicaid costs for long-term care, per capita |
Average Medicaid costs for persons, 65+ |
Crude crime rate for property & violent crime, per 1,000 persons |
Violent crimes |
Property crimes |
Senior abuse/neglect cases reported |
Senior abuse/neglect cases reported, per 10,000 persons |
Crime and senior abuse, per 1,000 persons |
Renters, 65+ |
Renters paying 30% or more household income on housing costs, 65+ |
Percent renter-occupied housing units 65+ |
Percent renters, 65+, paying 30% or more household income on housing costs, 65+ |
Owners, 65+ |
Owners paying 30% or more household income on housing costs, 65+ |
Percent owners paying 30% or more household income on housing costs, 65+ |
Renters & owners, 65+ |
Renters & owners paying 30% or more household income on housing costs, 65+ |
Percent owner- and renter-occupied housing units 65+ |
Percent renters & owners paying 30% or more household income on housing costs, 65+ |
Senior voter registration and participation index |
Registered voters, 65+ |
Voted last year, 65+ |
Percent, 65+ |
Number of SNAP recipients, 60+ |
Percent of SNAP recipients, 60+ |